Friday, July 12, 2024

2024 Trekell Pet Portrait Competition - First entry

It's time once again for Trekell's Annual Pet Portrait Competition and here is my first entry!  This competition requires artists to use a special shaped birch panel as the support and this time Trekell didn't make it easy!  After a lot of time searching through my photos and editing several of them, I found that my sheep, Muffin's, head fit nicely in this flower-like shape and decided to add a couple chicks on her head to fill the space at the top. 😁

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Two painterly pet portraits

 Here are two separate commissioned pieces I finished in the last month.  The adorable little chicken is Blanche and her portrait is the fourth in my painterly chicken portrait series which I have now posted HERE.  Bandit the Husky's portrait was a birthday gift for his owner.  Both are done in acrylics on cotton paper.

chicken hen avian pet bird farm animal acrylic painting art
siberian husky dog pet portrait animal acrylic painting art